Welcome to the CYBER-COMIK ....
Yes!!! Anatomically Incorrect Comic's CYBER-COMIK
is now up and on-line!, and
we are accepting submissions from you to develop our ongoing story strips right now!!
So what's it all about?....OK, heres
the deal. Below you will find links to the first 3 strips comprising
(at present) of just the first two panels. What we at A.I.C. want you to do is continue
either (or both)
of the stories in any way you so wish by submitting the NEXT
But I have no talent!!......No
Problem!.....Heck, here at A.I.C. we are just like a real comic publisher.
We don't give two hoots about continuity or artistic cohesiveness! Just coz you can't draw
or write
we DON'T CARE!!! Trace! Steal! Crib! Use Clip Art! Be just like a real COMIC BOOK CREATOR!
We're not going to tell anyone! All we're interested in is filling the pages
.......Besides, When I get around to it (fingers crossed) I'll be
supplying some clip art (character sheets,
word balloons,etc) for you to download and use with your favourite image manipulatiion
So What about all the technical stuff??....................Quite
simple really! Size of panel: Height 316 pixels.
Width (approx) 320 pixels. File size: no more than 30k please! The font for the balloons
is (if possible)
'Comic Sans'....or if you're really clever - hand letter! E-mail
me your panel(s) and I'll post it up!
Anatomically Incorrect Comics STRIPS

Mysterious Gothic Poseur:
Cheer up! It's not that bad! Enter the obscure literary
referenced world of the Doyen of Doze, Father of the Forty Winks, Master of the Meandering
Mumblings, etc, etc .and his companion, Pratchit the Procrastinating Parrot....

Agent Awesome:
Dynamic steroid enhanced action with a two-fisted
bad-attitude pumped-up man-machine character who bares no resemblence to any rival
companys two-fisted bad-attitude pumped-up man-machine character.

Qwerty Quayle:
He's a budding cartoonists dream! He's got no limbs! No
unnecessary detail or tricky shading! ....And he's out for FUN!