Another unused image for the shopping mall web-site project!

I was asked  if I could do a suitably 'Roswellian' cartoon for the Roswell Web-Ring....'

Being the 'all round nice-guy' that I am...and it being a bit more fun than what I was doing at the time (probably another batch of 'men-in-suits talking' cartoons) I said......'Okay'!!

roscart.JPG (42179 bytes)

      Click   for  moreart_sm.GIF (1218 bytes) from the Gaggenheim Gallery

Gaggenheim Front Door | Gaggenheim Preview |They came from the C drive |Cartoonies from the C drive | FC Gallery Guide

More to come when I get unpacked!
And you can always E-MAIL me with anything.. erm!!.... interesting to submit (gif, jpg, - 100k max).
plus title and a short explaination of the work.
*All self-justification and pretentious nonsense gratefully received.