Since the posting of my pages I have received more information supporting the existance of 'T.T. Phenomena'

The following are posted here for the purpose of further discourse on the subject.....

K. D. Leslie wrote: 'The new face on Mars is emulating the character on the far left of this site, Little Man's Teletubbie Pictures :) which leads us to wonder what, if spelled backward, as the face on Mars would have to be backward, looking, down on the earth, and not up from it, the message from Mars might be. Realizing that Iebbutelet has no meaning in any of the researched 371 languages of our planet, (many were overlooked) the next logical step would be to separate the syllables as such, "I Ebb Ut Elet" which sounds, if spoken by one with a cold, and it is cold on Mars, "I am an Elliot." Elliot, if you recall, was the species of alien creature referenced in the documentary, "E.T." The title of the documentary represents the first and last letter of this particular race of aliens.

This leads one to conclude that the Elliots on Mars, though having opposing physical characteristics, live in total harmony, completely underground, or possibly in a bathtub. '

Puerto Rican Crater:[email protected]. writes:I read your pages and would like to give you the following information which may be of interest to your investigations. I found an account in a local newspaper detailing the story of an amateur botanist who had discovered a huge crater in a remote inaccesible region of Puerto Rico (see diagram below)  The eye-witness describes the vast crater containing a strange mound-like protuberance in the centre with a deep hole approximately six-feet diameter at the top. The hole seemed to so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom with a flashlight. Curiously, the inside of the crater seemed to be suprisingly smooth and was populated by large 'overgrown rabbits' and an oddly diverse display of indeterminate flora . When newspaper reporters returned to the described location several days later all trace of the crater had disappeared.


Alien Figures seen at 'Wind Farm':The T.T. Archives have been told the story of a group of four 'small alien creatures' sighted one morning dancing around wind-generators at an east coast of England 'wind-farm' - the creatures disappeared within minutes and there have been no further occurances although strangely their appearance coincided with the loss of television transmissions in the Anglian region.

Stolen Hat at Glastonbury Festival:'Wally' of the 'Mad Fer Hat!' stall at the recent Glastonbury Festival tells us of his experience when a 'pixie-like thing' with a single 'antenae' lunged out of the crowd and stole a festie-hat from his stall. As the 'pixie' was covered in mud and no-one else has come forward to verify this story his testimony is none too reliable and could be more easily explained as a surfeit of 'festival spirit'.

Unverified T.T.Autopsy Stills Uncovered on Web: In late October of this year I received a package in the post containing a party invitation plus a photocopied sheet of what appeared to to be photographs of a " T.T.- like" creature undergoing an autopsy. When I contacted the sender (who for his own protection I will not name) he told me he was sent the photocopied sheet anonomously through the post. I was given another telephone contact number of someone who he thought might have further information and though this also drew a blank, he insinuated I look to the internet for the answer. After only a few hours I found this site which contained the source material for those copies.

As a word of WARNING I would like to say that these images are not very pleasant and discretion is recommended when viewing this site.

Click here to view Autopsy Stills

Fortune City Further Information on "Men-In-Suits" Fortune City citizen Giles Turnbull ([email protected]) recently e-mailed me to provide more information on the "Men-In-Suits" phonemena posted on his site at http://www.fortunecity. com/victorian/tollington/45/tubbie.html. An interesting article which may shed some new light on the whole issue.

Mysterious message delivered to ArtyCarter Today I received a crumpled scrawled note stuck through my door that
contained the following message. It had no signature but I provide the contents for your inspection:


They are already here now.


By Christmas people will be FIGHTING IN THE SHOPS.

They want to control the MINDS of your CHILDREN.

Tell the WORLD.

Next they will spread their EVIL through EUROPE.

Then by next year .......The USA.

Tell our American cousins to BE ON THEIR GUARD!!

I see FOUR HORSEMEN and their NAMES are..................."

Here the writing becomes illegible but the whole thing is obviously the ramblings of a madman.

If you have any further information or documentary proof that you would like made available to the 'T.T. Archive' here please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

*New: Enter the T.T. Forum to add to the ongoing debate - click below!!

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| ArtyCarter - A Life in a Photobooth |

..... ALERT! ... Stay vigilant! ... ALERT! .....

Watch this CYBERSPACE.

Take me back to eye_sm.GIF (5627 bytes) where I came in....

Bouquets, brickbats, n' bafflement: E-MAIL me. I'm only human after all.